First Name. Last Name. Email Address. Opt-in to important GradeSaver updates! Have an Account? He says that his treasures are his thoughts, his will, and his freedom, and the greatest of these is freedom. He owes nothing to his brothers. They owe him nothing, and he wants nothing from them.
Those of his brothers who earn his honor will have it, but they will not have it just by virtue of being fellow men. He chooses his friends and he chooses when to join with them and when not to. He neither commands nor obeys. Equality vows that he is finished with the old society and collectivism. He has seen the face of god, and he will raise it above the earth so that everyone may worship at its altar.
Chapter XI is the culmination of all that Equality has learned about the evils of collectivism is the first time he sees clearly. They are the place where she lays out in plain language the meaning of objectivism, egoism, and individualism.
These philosophies place the individual above all else, and they savor freedom over the goods of society. It's okay to venture off into the world on your own.
I think that this quotes could have impact on our lives. They both imply that our choices we make will effect the things we do. We don't have to worry about people telling us anything because it's out choice that truely matters. Life isn't about making others happy or conforming to their beliefs. It's all about you and the choices you make. Even though it may sound arrogant or a little concieted, you live for only yourself. It's okay to be different and stand your ground for what you believe in because you follow your heart and your beliefs.
Be yourself, no one can tell you you're doing it wrong. He is the leader of his own destiny. No one else is. We is something that should be spoken occasionally when it is more fruitful to agree with others. He wants to be one not all or part of something he wants to be the one and only Equality. Kinda like set your mind to something and never change it. I think this means that if someone is talking about themselves they shouldn't call themselves "we". It should only be as a second thought like someone is coming with an indiviaul.
A No matter what he does or where he goes, Equality will have "I". He'll have his individualism with him; it's something no one can take away.
It guides him in his new life and will always give him hope. B You shouldn't use "we" unless it's grammatically appropriate.
Don't replace "I" or other fist person pronouns with "we". Equality is his own person now. Honors: a The star gives him confidence to be independent and lead himself and to not follow others.
Honors: A It means we have a choice to live the way we want to. B This means that anyone and everyone can be their self and not what someone wants them to be. You can apply it tho your life by being yourself everyday and speaking on your true feelings and thoughts. Simple tips but meaningful. It can really help college applicants to write their personal statement essay. Correspondingly, at WritePaper. Info they assist college applicants write a significant and efficient essays that convey their qualifications and potentials.
Friday, January 7, Anthem: Chapter Respond to 2 of the 4 questions below. What was he trying to communicate to Equality? Honors' Discussion Prompt Explain the following quotes in your own words: a. Posted by Ms. Unknown February 8, at PM. Anonymous February 9, at PM.
LWood February 9, at PM. Unknown February 9, at PM. Bbick February 10, at PM. JFaul February 10, at PM. Anonymous February 10, at PM. ADemon15 February 10, at PM. BloodyAngel17 February 11, at PM. Unknown November 23, at AM. Unknown December 13, at PM. Unknown December 8, at PM. Sienna Nelson March 17, at AM. Unknown March 17, at PM. Newer Post Older Post Home. This theory holds that an individual should earn the things on which happiness depends. By means of education, hard work, and honest effort, persons should strive to reach those goals that will make them happy.
Rational egoism rejects the victimization of others as a means of reaching happiness; it is a theory upholding the right of all individuals to work diligently and earn the things that bring meaning and joy into their lives. When the moral code of rational egoism is applied to politics, it leads to a system of limited, constitutional government that protects an individual's inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The ethics of rational egoism leads to a politics of individualism. Equality understands by means of his reading that, in the past, the moral code of rational egoism was expounded by some thinkers and led to political freedom for millions of individuals. This moral code and its political consequence are what Equality seeks to revive in his society. In Equality 's society, egoism is considered evil and has been expunged over the centuries from its memory.
In its place, society has taught an opposite code — the theory of altruism. Altruism states that individuals have a moral obligation to sacrifice themselves for others, that satisfying the desires of other persons should take precedence in an individual's life. Under this moral code, an individual has no right to his or her own life but exists solely as a servant of others. When an altruist moral code is applied to politics, it leads to an individual's enforced servitude to society.
On this view, an individual has no inalienable rights, but exists solely to serve the state. Just as a moral code of rational egoism leads directly to a politics of individualism and freedom, so the morality of altruism leads to a politics of collectivism and dictatorship.
Equality 's reading teaches him that the widespread acceptance of altruism is what makes possible the horrors of the collectivist dictatorship he has recently escaped. Equality seeks to liberate his society from this moral code and its ensuing politics of slavery. Equality 's education now includes an intellectual understanding of the moral code by which he will live, and the code he will shun. He understands that egoism is a code leading to benevolence , an attitude of kindness and goodwill toward others.
He sees from his own life, as well as from his study of the free societies of the past, that when persons are encouraged to live their own lives, they are fulfilled and happy within themselves. Because they do not have to sacrifice themselves for others, people are no threat to them.
Each has a right to self-fulfillment, so each, therefore, has value. The rational egoist, Equality now grasps, recognizes that human beings have rights and treats them accordingly — with respect and goodwill.
Kindness toward others depends on the recognition that each individual possesses inalienable rights. Additionally, based on the brutality of the collectivist society he has escaped, Equality realizes the horror of the altruist code. When persons have no rights — when they exist solely to serve the state — then they become just so many sacrificial animals.
The code of self-sacrifice leads inevitably to slavery. In spite of their claims to human love, those who advocate human sacrifice have no love for human beings. If they did, they would not urge the surrender of personal values and the sacrifice of the self to the group. Rather, they would urge all to pursue their values, to achieve them, and to reach a state of joyous fulfillment.
The code of rational egoism that Equality plans to offer will lead humankind to personal success and happiness.