A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. No gender differentiation appeared in the initial findings, but Professor Tan notes that females may feel more ready if they sense their biological clock is ticking. And he believes the research would also hold for same-sex relationships.
Again, using empirical data, the researchers examined personal attitudes to interdependence through the lens of commitment desirability, which is defined as the subjective desire to be involved in a committed romantic relationship.
What we see is that basically [people] have this readiness, or desire, [which has] an added effect on commitment itself. The evidence of three studies found that, in their efforts to have long-lasting relationships, individuals who desire commitment use perceived partner commitment to a similar desire as a gauge to think and behave in ways that facilitate and promote relationship success, as well as to protect themselves against getting too close to a partner who is not also interested in commitment.
Nevertheless, relationship commitment still may not mean long-term happiness. One of the studies suggested that relying on high-commitment desire runs the risk of getting into a relationship with someone who would provide security and need fulfillment in the long term but who is not an especially responsive partner. In that particular study, the researchers only looked at two kinds of partner — highly responsive and moderately responsive.
Professor Tan points out there are other considerations in maintaining relationships, for example, having a mindset and willingness to work out the inevitable situations that occur in a relationship. That is, thinking that challenges can be surmounted, that relationships can be built to become better, and that having something for the long term is good because you can still work on things and can progress to become more successful in the future.
And the convenience of online dating sites opens up new impermanent opportunities. I think this is also a question that pertains to public policy: whether it is in the U. Future research will consider how readiness can be changed or how people can be motivated to become more ready, and so the team is looking at antecedents to readiness and desire.
Source: Singapore Management University. If you analyze the trends, paradigms and projected developments in different markets, you can get the gist of where an environment is developing. Part of hitting the right timing is to analyze and understand these changes. Revolutionary changes are much trickier. They are impossible to predict, they happen suddenly, and they present great threats as well as great opportunities. When a revolutionary shift happens, new winners arise and many successful people fall to the bottom.
You must always be on alert for revolutionary changes. If you sense such a change before everybody else, you can hit the right timing in a very big way. The easiest way to track time — for freelancers and teams trusted by You may not have the power to always hit the perfect timing in life, but you always have a chance to greatly improve your odds. Just as there are many different ways you can improve your timing, there are also some huge red flags indicating that the timing is not right. The first huge mistake you can make is not to pay attention to the timing at all.
You want to be smart, not just lucky. If you have invested zero effort into hitting the right timing, there is definitely room to optimize the decisions of how and when to make your moves. So, start minding the timing. There is absolutely never the perfect timing for anything, but there is a big difference between making a smart move and taking a smart risk, or making a stupid decision. The next big mistake you can make is to go against the markets and other environmental forces based on the wrong assumptions.
When you are trying to do something different than the majority, you need to have real data to confirm your hunches, and superior insights to hit the right timing. So ask yourself - do you have superior insights that support the move you are about to make? Track work hours, manage absences and generate payroll reports Learn more Test the powerful features with a free trial.
Last but not least, the timing is definitely wrong if there is no justifiable effort-risk-reward factor. Effort is needed to achieve any goal and there is always some risk that you will fail and lose resources. You want to find opportunities where the risk is low, the effort is optimal, and the reward is huge. That means hitting the right timing. If the ratios are off, you should definitely wait for better timing or reshape your strategy.
Always mind the timing, and always calculate if your decisions about when and how to make your next move are safe and sound.
Choose language Language. Blog Timing is everything: How to hit the right timing. Tags: individual productivity. Categories: Productivity. Blaz Kos. What you will find out in this article Since timing is everything, here is how to hit the right timing 1.
Waiting for, or creating, the right context 2. Directly reducing friction 3. Staying flexible and aligning your goals with the environment 4. Accumulate more resources before you make a move 5. Trends and paradigms How do you know if your timing is bad?
Acting without thinking and considering the timing 2. Faking it in the hopes of making it 3.